Navigating the Path to DevOps Maturity

Software development teams are under pressure to implement Continuous Delivery and DevOps, but it’s not always easy knowing where to start. Whether a company is focused on market-leading mobile innovations, or on accelerating the software development process, so many of the challenges we face benefit from a DevOps approach.
The difficulty is making it happen for real. For the most part, companies we talk to know the basic theory: Dev and Ops need to be aligned, what that partnership should look like and that the whole process should be automated. However… what if, in your particular situation, Dev and Ops exist as separate entities? We know they need to work together in a symbiotic, Agile-inspired relationship to deliver ongoing product and business benefits, but what if they’re not even talking to each other? If only there was a step-by-step guide that made it easier to identify a company’s level of DevOps maturity, and plotted the necessary stages in moving to the next level!
Our industry is responding to that need. No one provider can do it alone, but when we team up, we can bring powerful, solution-oriented DevOps closer to companies who need it. Earlier this year, the DevOps Express was launched, an industry-wide initiative that aims to bring fully integrated tools and better support to help firms realize their DevOps goals.
Today I’d like to introduce another tool I hope you’ll find helpful. We’ve teamed with Cloudbees and Forrester Research to bring you the webinar “Navigating the Path to DevOps Maturity in the Real World”. It takes place on November 16th at 1 pm Eastern US time, and you can register to be part of it here.
The thinking behind the webinar is pretty simple. How can we give companies the building blocks they need to get them to the next DevOps stage? The format we’ve come up with in the webinar addresses four key areas and promises to inform, inspire and galvanize your DevOps efforts.
Forrester Research’s take on DevOps maturity
Michael Facemire, VP and principal analyst covering application development and delivery for Forrester Research, will share Forrester’s latest analysis on where DevOps is headed. Michael is a leading expert on mobile software development, software development processes and next-generation software architectures.
Four Quadrants of DevOps Maturity
Next, Cloudbees’ DevOps evangelist, Brian Dawson, will present the four quadrant model of DevOps maturity, a simplified tool for assessing and planning DevOps transformation. Based on Cloudbees’ extensive experience, the quadrants model is derived from – and applied to – real-life DevOps situations. The ethos that underpins the whole approach is ‘keep things simple’ which will be music to the ears of many an overworked DevOps professional. I think enterprises will find his insights immensely useful and even inspirational, because they can be extended and replicated again and again over a range of DevOps scenarios across different businesses.
Map your maturity
To remain focused on providing practical and functional tips based on real customer experiences, Apexon’s own Labs director, Sanil Pillai, will share the hurdles and wins involved in taking DevOps to the next level and implementing continuous delivery. We will be presenting real-life examples, and you’ll be able to ask questions throughout the session.
The webinar is designed to give enterprises the understanding to map their own DevOps maturity in order to identify the right tools to take them forward. We hope you’ll join Forrester, Cloudbees and Apexon on November 16th. Click here to register now. We’d love to hear your feedback and experiences on the DevOps journey. If you have a particular query and you’d prefer to discuss in more depth, feel free to get in touch directly.