
UI/UX Design

Create outstanding user interfaces and experiences across every channel of engagement

UI & UX Design Services
Great user experiences are critical to business success in a digital world

UI UX Design
The Challenge


Success in digital requires the perfect combination of functionality, intuitive design and end-to-end user experience, all packaged together to meet specific user and business requirements. And it has to be backed by information architectures and design systems that are ADA compliant, well tested, scalable, and on brand.

What we do


We work across the design lifecycle from proof-of-concepts and functional prototypes to integration and deliveryto create research-driven and user-centered UI/UX designs that deliver:

Apexon offers deep expertise in user-centered product design, UI and UX design, and app/platform development. We combine traditional UX techniques with lean methods and research to develop data-driven solutions that are fully tested and validated. These solutions marry business goals with user needs to increase customer loyalty and drive stronger ROI on product investments.

Accessibility following Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)

Accessibility following Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)

Simplicity and user convenience executing tasks

Simplicity and user convenience executing tasks in a minimal number of steps

Intelligent user interfaces for mobile apps and responsive web

Intelligent user interfaces for mobile apps and responsive web

Personalized experiences that address user needs

Personalized experiences that address user needs

Brand consistency and scalability

Brand consistency and scalability

Safe and secure data exchange

Safe and secure data exchange

Comprehensive data visualization

Comprehensive data visualization

Our Offering


We offer a full suite of experience services ranging from strategy, design, and testing to deployment and support:


Rapid Prototyping & Validation

Apexon bridges discovery and design by taking research farther into rapid prototype development with client co-creation activities:

  • Usability testing and validation with real users to improve performance and design
  • Low to high fidelity, static or interactive, single page to multi-view screens
  • Stand up of rapid proof-of-concept solutions to generate user feedback and/or organizational “buy-in” to ideas faster

UI/UX Design & Delivery

UI/UX Design & Delivery

From Design into Delivery, Apexon’s UX/UI Design resources shape and craft valuable interfaces that ensure experiences customers will love:

  • Intelligent user interfaces for mobile apps and responsive web, from concept through completion
  • Everything from functional prototypes to final live solutions
  • Research-driven, user-centered design
  • Best practice, ADA compliance, brand and style guidelines

Design System Transformation

Design System Transformation

Apexon helps brands establish and refine foundational digital design systems to govern the build-out of digital solutions and accelerate organizational efficiencies via:

  • Organization-wide and project-specific UX/UI audits
  • Design system concepting, definition and refinement
  • Streamlined development through effective use of reusable components
  • Visual consistency across products, channels, and teams



Apexon UX/CX services deliver important business advantages:

Increased Operational Efficiency

By reducing design errors and redundant development; and building on scalable foundations

Increased Customer Loyalty & Sales
Increased Customer Loyalty & Sales

By addressing user needs across the end-to-end user experience

Increased Operational Efficiency
Increased Employee Satisfaction

As a result of streamlined work experiences

Reduced Costs for Training & Support
Reduced Costs for Training & Support

With the adoption of more intuitive design

Stronger Brands
Stronger Brands

With outstanding and engaging UI/UX

Our methodology

how we do it

Our approach

Supporting UX from Strategy Through Product/Service Launch

We partner with companies at the UX strategy level and set interaction and engagement goals. Our capabilities cover the full application lifecycle from concept through launch. Our UX/UI team has the experience and skills to handle stakeholder interviews to visual design and prototyping to content/information architecture and management.


Mapping Activities to Design Thinking


Why Apexon

Apexon combines a global team of highly trained UI/UX professionals with the latest methodologies to deliver breakthrough user experiences at scale. We offer:

Individual ownership of all deliverables with support from entire team

Individual ownership of all deliverables with support from entire team

A culture and passion for continuous learning and collaboration

A culture and passion for continuous learning and collaboration

A full-service design studio capability across the globe

A full-service design studio capability across the globe

UX research, design and innovation

A well-informed point of view that leads conversations in what comes next in UX research, design and innovation

Collaboration across our business and our clients

Collaboration across our business and our clients to identify new ways of thinking and working

The philosophy behind our approach is simple:
Focus on

Because technology is always evolving, we design for people. Our human-centered focus means we provide technology solutions that people want to use


We prioritize users and their journeys over any technology constraints


We combine design thinking with direct collaboration with our engineering and data experts to accelerate learning, mitigate risks, and drive innovation


Great customer experiences are continuous – they grow and evolve with the customer before, during, and after product/service use

FAQ’s – User Experience (Design, Strategy & Services)

User Experience (UX) refers to the overall experience a person has when interacting with a product or service, encompassing every aspect of their interaction, from usability and accessibility to emotional satisfaction. It’s crucial because a positive UX leads to increased user satisfaction, loyalty, and ultimately, business success. By understanding and catering to users’ needs, preferences, and behaviors, businesses can create products and services that are not only functional but also delightful to use.

User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) are closely related but distinct concepts. UX focuses on the overall experience a user has while interacting with a product, including aspects like usability, accessibility, and emotional response. On the other hand, UI specifically deals with the visual and interactive elements of a product, such as buttons, menus, and layout, aimed at facilitating user interaction. In essence, UI is a subset of UX, as it contributes to the overall user experience by providing an interface for interaction.

Pursuing the best UX design course involves thorough research and consideration of various factors. Look for courses offered by reputable institutions or organizations with experienced instructors and comprehensive curricula covering topics such as user research, prototyping, usability testing, and interaction design. Additionally, consider factors like course format (online, in-person, or hybrid), flexibility, cost, and student reviews. It’s also beneficial to seek out courses that offer hands-on projects or real-world experience to enhance your skills and portfolio.

Some examples of best user experience design can be found in widely used products and services across various industries. For instance, the user-friendly interface of Apple’s iPhone, which combines intuitive gestures with visually appealing design, exemplifies excellent UX. Similarly, the seamless booking process and personalized recommendations on Airbnb’s platform enhance user satisfaction and ease of use. Google’s search engine also provides a stellar user experience with its simplicity, speed, and accuracy, making it a go-to choice for millions of users worldwide.

Creating a User Experience (UX) design strategy involves several key steps aimed at understanding user needs, defining goals, and iteratively improving the user experience. The process typically begins with extensive user research to gather insights into user behaviors, preferences, and pain points. Based on this research, UX designers define user personas and scenarios to guide the design process. Next, designers create wireframes and prototypes to visualize and test different design solutions. Usability testing is then conducted to gather feedback and iterate on the design. Throughout the process, collaboration between designers, developers, and stakeholders is essential to ensure alignment with business objectives and user needs. Finally, the UX design strategy is continually refined based on user feedback and evolving business requirements.

Client Testimonials

“The Apexon team has been able to adapt, respond, support us and keep us on track all along the way. Their collaborative nature and our ability to tap into their expertise, their understanding of the space, and their experience with other customers has been invaluable.”
Steve Landry
COO & Global Head of Technology
fortune global
“You get more from Apexon than others - they bring thought leadership, collaboration, flexibility.”

Ken O’Brien, CIO
Fortune 500 Global Provider of Business Services