DTV - Digital Transformation YouTube Channel

Expert insights & lessons from the front lines of digital transformation

By Apexon
Latest Releases
Healthcare 13 episodes
Digital’s Growing Impact on Healthcare Operations and Delivery

Our DTV Healthcare channel shares the thoughts of industry leaders on the digital revolution in healthcare – from telehealth and remote care to the growing role of data and predictive analytics in driving innovation, enabling more efficient care operations, and producing better patient outcomes.

Financial Services 5 episodes
Digital is Revolutionizing the Financial Experience for Both Businesses and Consumers

Our DTV Financial Services channel offers the insights of practitioners and analysts on the digital transformation underway in banking, insurance, investment and fintech. Learn about the strategic role of AI and machine learning, the importance of seamless omni-channel customer experiences, and how payments have become an integral part of companies’ brand identities.

High Tech 8 episodes
Tech Companies Need Digital Transformation Too

Our DTV High Tech channel highlights the need for digital innovation across the tech industry – from disruptive startups to the largest legacy platforms in the enterprise. Hear from industry leaders on how high-tech business are leveraging digital and data to continue to transform their businesses, build customer-centricity into their operations, erase traditional industry boundaries, and pursue digital innovation at scale.

Retail 10 Episodes
Digital Transformation in Retail – Next Steps

Retail was disrupted as early as any industry by digital. Our DTV Retail channel shares observations by industry leaders on the difference between those that made the shift successfully and those that didn’t, the power of data and analytics in today’s retail environment, and the importance of embracing the cultural shift required to transform a retail business.

Digital Influencers 32 Episodes
Technology Enablers in Digital Transformation

There are a number of software and technology solutions which play key roles in digital transformation across verticals. Our DTV Digital Influencer channel shares insights from some of the innovators and thought leaders behind these solutions about digital disruption, the reinvention of business, and new forms of customer and employee engagement.

Apexonbrew 7 Episodes
Data Analytics and Modern Information Architecture Pave the Way in Digital

At the core of any digital transformation is data and information architecture. Our DTV ApexonBrew channel shares the latest thoughts on the role these aspects play as companies look to modernize business processes, ensure data security and industry compliance, and manage customer journeys more effectively.