Quality Engineering

Intelligent Testing
& Automation for Salesforce

Improve the performance of your Salesforce
applications with Apexon and Tricentis

Salesforce testing

Salesforce automation testing
The Challenge

Enterprise Salesforce Implementations Typically Involve A Highly Complex Digital Ecosystem

As businesses look to leverage Salesforce to meet the increasing demands of digital business, they are using more custom configurations, integrations, and workflows. This creates very challenging testing and QA scenarios that require considerable expertise; e.g.:

  • Frequent code deployments and configuration changes
  • Highly complex code management and versioning
  • Computing environment changes and growth
  • High-frequency regression cycles
  • Increasing requirement for automation over time
  • Integrations with other enterprise applications and custom apps, App Exchange components, and cloud components across Salesforce platform

Delivering On All Your Salesforce Testing & QA Requirements
What We Do

Delivering On All Your Salesforce Testing & QA Requirements

Apexon combines its intelligent continuous testing services and methodologies with Tricenti’s AI-powered Tosca platform to enable end-to-end test automation for your Salesforce application environment.

Our Offerings

End-to-End Salesforce Testing Services

We support a variety of use cases:

Salesforce automation best practices
Comprehensive Test
Strategy and Framework

Leveraging Salesforce’s automation best practices, test architecture, and test data management approach

Salesforce integration testing for enterprise
Enterprise Integration
Test Strategy

For Salesforce and other enterprise systems connected to Salesforce such as ERP, SCM, HR, and Finance

Continuous testing and integration framework for Salesforce
Continuous Integration &
Continuous Testing Frameworks

Enabling delivery teams to automate, build, deploy, promote, test, and certify Salesforce configurations and customizations. With well-defined quality metrics

Salesforce automation test management
Test Management
Best Practices

Leveraging Tricentis qTest and similar test management platforms to manage test lifecycle from test creation, execution, metrics, reporting, and dashboard


Faster & More Cost-Effective Testing & Validation of Your Salesforce Applications

Apexon Salesforce Testing services deliver significant business advantages:

Higher Service Levels
Higher Service Levels

End-to-end Salesforce testing in line with Salesforce specified best practices for testing at various levels (Unit testing, Functional testing, Integration testing, and UAT testing), improving overall coverage

Enhanced Quality & User Satisfaction
Enhanced Quality & User Satisfaction

Automation enhances testing effectiveness and puts more key services and features into customers’ hands more quicklys

Operational Efficiency
Operational Efficiency

By automating your Salesforce testing environment, you can save your team hundreds of hours of test case creation and maintenance each time you update

Our methodology

how we do it

Our process

Comprehensive Salesforce Testing Processes

Apexon has built its automation approach to Salesforce automation testing on the following fundamental tenets:

Version Control Systems

Version Control Systems

Tightly-defined version control systems

Quality Gates

Quality Gates

Well-defined quality gates for code coverage, reviews, and approvals

Salesforce test automation

Test Automation

With various layers of the stack baked into the pipeline



Persona-specific targeted notifications

Cross-browser Compatibility Testing & Salesforce api testing

Cross-browser Compatibility Testing & API Testing

For integrated 3rd-party applications and custom applications

Salesforce regression testing

Efficient Regression Testing

To ensure that applications are developed at scale without compromising on quality

Salesforce Integration Testing

Data Consistency & Mapping All Integration Sources

While identifying potential roadblocks and bottlenecks as part of Integration Testing

Jenkin Files

Jenkin Files

With pipeline as code that automatically create different branch-specific Jenkins’ jobs

Salesforce application testing & compliance adherence

Faster Cycle Time

Ensuring adherence with regulatory compliances for faster cycle time

Salesforce Cloud-readiness Assessment

Comprehensive Cloud-readiness Assessment

Resulting in contextualized Salesforce solution

salesforce diagram

Why Apexon

Proven Processes
& Best Practices

Continuous Testing in Agile, Intelligent Testing, Layered Strategy, Shift Left

Comprehensive Digital
Testing Capabilities

Strategy and Assessment, Functional Testing, Performance Engineering, Automation Testing, Integration Testing

Tosca Expertise

To help you leverage all the capabilities of the Tricentis Tosca Continuous Testing platform to integrate QA with CI/CD, and execute automated tests as part of your Salesforce delivery pipeline.

Salesforce Experience

5+ years of Salesforce automation; 20+ Salesforce testing engagements; 250+ pre-built test cases; automation libraries for Classic and Lightening; 25+ Tricentis-certified Salesforce engineers

Deep DevOps & Continuous
Testing Expertise

500+ automation engineers with deep experience in DevOps and Continuous Testing

Recognized by many of the leading industry analysts including:

Leader in NelsonHall’s NEAT vendor evaluation for Next-Generation Software Testing Services


Midtier, Full or Subset IT Services Provider in Gartner Competitive Landscape : Mobile Application Testing Services


Representative Vendor in Forrester Vendor Landscape for Continuous Testing Services for Agile & DevOps Environments


“Working with our client delivery organization, Apexon and Tricentis deployed a new continuous delivery and testing approach for our Salesforce applications. As a result, we are much better equipped to keep pace with new software delivery requirements so critical to our business and our patients.”
Sr. Manager, IT Quality & Process
Manufacturer of medical devices and software for life threatening diseases