Tech Leader Shines Spotlight on Women in Industry

Apexon’s people and capability manager Allison Cummins talks about her career in technology and how women can more than make up the number
By Francesca Craggs via ChronicleLive
WITH the percentage of women employed in the digital workforce hovering under 20% for the past decade, a Sunderland tech leader is speaking out about the opportunities that exist in this fast-paced sector, in a bid to bring more women into the workplace.
“The gender balance is beginning to shift – even in the time I have been with Apexon,” says Allison Cummins, who joined the business 18 months ago. “It’s certainly an improving picture, and it is something we want to carry on addressing and improving.”
Apexon is a technology and consulting partner that delivers personalised, high-value solutions to accelerate business growth.
It develops software that supports its clients to grow, streamlining and digitising processes to deliver better customer service and ultimately, increase their bottom line.
Allison, who has worked in the industry for more than a decade including stints with software giants IBM and HP, said she is encouraged to see more women applying for roles with Apexon, which has ambitions to double in size.
But she still believes more needs to be done to ensure people are aware that it’s not just a field in which men can succeed.
She said: “I have worked with some really powerful, influential women. And I think we need role models like these to have their voices heard – it sends an important message to young people that they too can succeed in tech.
“We know that more needs to be done to encourage females to pursue careers in industries that they may not previously have seen as being accessible to them and we will always look to champion equality within the tech sector.”
Apexon – which works with a range of clients, including a global investment bank and a well-known credit card provider – is trying to transform perceptions of tech from an early age, delivering training to children for free, in a bid to
ensure more girls understand the opportunities the industry
0Gravity – which Apexon first launched in January 2018 having been inspired by a similar collective set up in India – invites eight to 11-year-olds to learn more about computer coding.
“We believe that we can always do more to improve access to careers in tech for women, and we hope to do that by working with people – in particular, girls – at school age, we show them that there is a viable career pathway for them in technology.
“We are keen to do our bit – it’s something we’re incredibly passionate about, creating opportunities to inspire future generations of developers and hopefully establish a pipeline of talent to join Apexon in years to come.
“Our team give their own time to support the course, which demonstrates just how much they all believe in this programme, and it really is a pleasure to see young people – and especially the little girls – see just how exciting tech can be.”
Want to learn more about Apexon? Consult with an expert here.