Strategy & Innovation


Microsoft and Apexon: Co-pilots for Enterprise Success

In today's competitive business landscape, selecting the right technology platform is crucial for success. Microsoft, a renowned name in enterprise computing, continues to...

How Neurodiversity is Driving Innovation in Technology

For the past few years, three social and economic movements have been picking up speed, changing the way we work forever: digitization, diversification, and the Great Resignation....

Restructuring Business Processes to Increase Operational Efficiency

The Brief In 2018, a private equity firm acquired a national wealth advisory firm, along with most of the firm’s senior leadership team. The firm’s leadership team needed...

Post-Pandemic Success: The Technology Roadmap

This year our society has changed at unprecedented rates, an extraordinary challenge to manage in the marketplace. To adapt to the uncertainty, the tools & technology...

Digital Debt and the Challenge to Stay Ahead: Enter Joint Strike

The Brief In 2012, a national restaurant chain was acquired by a private equity company. This buyout created an opportunity for the chain to invest in a long-term strategic...

Eliminating Digital Debt for National Restaurant Chain

THE BRIEF In 2012, a national restaurant chain was acquired by a Private Equity company. This buyout created an opportunity for the chain to invest in a long-term strategic...

Agile Processes Improve Deliverable Quality for National Furniture Retailer

THE BRIEF A national furniture retailer began a company-wide digital transformation in 2017 and began with a website migration to Salesforce Commerce Cloud platform. Shortly...

How to Evaluate Non-Quantifiable Financial Opportunities

Corporate finance professionals are critically evaluated to help the company grow through prudent use of capital. The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and financial management team...

Is Your Portfolio Ready for Digital Transformation?

A common mantra in the business world is “Every company is a technology company now.” We hear it repeated ceaselessly by a host of industry pundits, tech reporters and...

Measuring Digital Debt: A Structured and Methodical Way to Lead to Record Succes...

Measuring digital debt, the consequence of a poor or insufficient digital strategy, can be tricky for even the most careful insider. It’s all too easy for internal biases or...

How Digital Disruptors Are Changing Private Equity

As technology advances, so, too, must the industries that use it. Over the past decade, digital disruption has been a given – the most obvious example is Amazon completely...

Due Diligence Alert: 8 Technology Landmines to Avoid a Potential PE Acquisition

As companies shift operational processes to the digital realm, any failure to streamline, integrate and consolidate will create technological bottlenecks that might not be...

Technical Due Diligence 101: Three Good Reasons PE Firms Need Pre-Deal Data

In the spirit of the Halloween season, here’s a scary story: A private equity company decided to sell off one of its investments, anticipating a lucrative deal. The company...

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