Rutesh Shah


Lowdown – Mobile Application Quality Seminar in Santa Clara

Apexon and Perfecto by Perforce presented the mobile application quality seminar on Wednesday, March 27th. The event was a roaring success with more than 75 people attending. The...

Interview Series: Tete a Tete with Rutesh Shah on His Journey From There to Here...

Q: How does Apexon's business model demonstrate capacity for creativity and innovation? A; Innovate or die, is my mantra. As a technology company, we have to ensure that we are...

Interview Series: Tete a Tete with Rutesh Shah on His Journey From There to Here...

Last week, I had the privilege of talking with Rutesh Shah, President and CEO of Apexon about his journey in taking Apexon from there to here. His struggle, inspiration, belief ,...