Testing Center of Excellence


Tackling the Top 5 Challenges of Salesforce App Test Automation

The Salesforce1 mobile app is an enterprise-class app that provides users on phones or tablets with instant access to a company’s customer relationship management (CRM) data....

How and When to use Service Virtualization in Test Automation

You’d be hard pressed to find a team of software engineers anywhere without hearing the words “service virtualization” echoing somewhere in the vicinity. It’s become a...

How to Tell if Your IoT Strategy is Rock Solid

There are many drivers powering the surge in enterprise IoT initiatives. Improved business efficiency ranks among the highest, but better decision-making, improved customer...

Navigating the Connected Car Ecosystem

The trends toward connectivity and mobility are converging at lightning speed in the connected car industry. For automotive manufacturers, the connected car represents an...

Developer Breakdown: What’s Inside the Android N Developer Preview?

We have had some time to play, experiment and experience the new features of Android N, based on the developer preview version.   In this post we are sharing our observations and...

How to Re-engineer Your App Development Processes

In the age of mobility and IoT, enterprise app development needs to be fast and flexible. While most enterprise development teams understand the need to shift left – to better...

Developing an App for the 2020 General Election?

Here is a thought: With the UK General Election having just finished, could the next one in 2020 be the first to use a mobile app to allow people to vote? The polling...

How Software Testing Is Evolving by Leveraging AI

Software testing has gradually evolved in the past few decades. Starting from manual testing, the features and functionality of software, to Integrated Development Environments...

Dynamic Testing Grids: The Secret to Continuous Testing Agility

So you’re on the verge of launching your new solution. Or, your digital initiative has gotten off to a great start but now you need to scale, rapidly. Whatever your precise...

Why 2019 Will be the Breakout Year of Intelligent Test Automation

If you look at any recent article on the hot tech trends for 2019, the chances are good that automation and AI will be fairly high on the list. What you might not have read,...

Strive to be Better, Every Day

Did you know that 3,683,212,665 people were affected by software failure last year?  The implications of this are no joke. Reputations shatter. Stocks tank. And the human cost...

Be honest. Describe the state of your test cases.

“There’s some dead wood in there.” “Hmmm…. Someone really needs to clean them up.” “A little outdated.” For those reading this in the northern hemisphere,...

Apexon Launches ASTUTE: AI-Powered Testing Solution for Rapid Digital Transforma...

Huge amounts of data, lack of expertise, limited knowledge of tools and massive testing backlogs are becoming a serious impediment to today’s digital initiatives. Agile...

Harness Intelligent Automation for Better Testing with AI

There’s a paradox inherent in the way most enterprises approach digital transformation. Few would argue that digital transformation isn’t an imperative. And while studies...

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