

Why Codeless Salesforce Test Automation Impacts the QA Function

This blog, co-written with Jeff Pigatto, (Vice President and Global Head, Salesforce Practice, Apexon), draws on their joint experience optimizing Salesforce environments. Marc...

Accelerate Cycle Times & Beat the Competition with Cloud Native Continuous ...

Continuous delivery has become fundamental to business agility in the digital age. Accelerating release cycles enables organizations to meet increasing customer demand, respond to...

Developer Breakdown: What’s Inside the Android N Developer Preview?

We have had some time to play, experiment and experience the new features of Android N, based on the developer preview version.   In this post we are sharing our observations and...

Top Tools for Adapting to a New Worldview of App Development

In the new age of mobility, enterprises need to move faster and be more flexible to remain relevant, prompting fundamental changes in how we view the software development world....

How to Re-engineer Your App Development Processes

In the age of mobility and IoT, enterprise app development needs to be fast and flexible. While most enterprise development teams understand the need to shift left – to better...

Developing an App for the 2020 General Election?

Here is a thought: With the UK General Election having just finished, could the next one in 2020 be the first to use a mobile app to allow people to vote? The polling...

Continuous Testing: What It Is and Why You Need It

Technology has made customers’ loyalty under constant threat.  How quickly and effectively you can engage with consumers via this new technology is often the determining factor...

Serious About QE? Why You’ll Need Selenium

Selenium is a suite of open source tools that automates browsers across many platforms. If you’re involved in test automation, you may already be familiar with its range of...

QE: How to Align People, Processes and Tools

What is Quality Engineering, or QE? To some, QE sounds a lot like QA. In fact, it is loosely related to QA, but it’s also a whole lot more. If you’re considering how to make...

Can You Simulate Global Conditions in Mobile Testing?

It is no longer enough for an app to solve a particular issue, or perform a useful function, and to assume that users will be satisfied. Apps now offer increasingly complex...

How Job Roles Change with QE

In Quality Engineering, job roles change.   It is inevitable.   And although change can be scary, there are a lot of positives about having a QE role, versus an old-style QA...

How Quality Engineering will Change your Organization

First of all, let's be clear what Quality Engineering is. Quality Engineering (QE) is the process by which software quality is tested, analyzed and improved throughout the...

Customer-Focused Agile Development-How Do You Do It?

We are living in the age of the customer. More and more, they are in the driving seat — and that means your development process needs to evolve. Not only does your development...

Better Customer Service through Mobile Apps

To put the issue of customer service and mobile apps into context, let's take a look at some of the trends and data points that make customer service apps a strategic...

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