
Connecting the Dots: Great UX in Connected Products

The principles of great user experience (UX) have been around for some time. Are things really so different when it comes to connected product UX? Yes and no. The concept of...

The Importance of UX in Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation is a term we’ve been hearing a lot of as of late, but what is it really? Simply put, Digital Transformation is the process through which digital...

Size Doesn’t Matter When it Comes to App Development

When are you app-ready? How big does your business need to be for an app to be appropriate? Well, as the world rapidly embraces the idea of being mobile first, apps are becoming...

HTML5 – The New Paradigm to Redefine Mobility Strategy

The mobile applications market is moving at the speed of light. While smartphones created huge ripples in form of many players and platforms to alter the ecosystem, tablets are...

HTML5, Native or Hybrid…where is the herd heading?

The debate is overblown and the mobile technology landscape is incredibly confusing. There are numerous choices from HTML5 based mobile web application to native application...

Choosing the Right Technologies for Enterprise Mobile Development

In the last blog, we briefly looked at the different options for mobile application development. In this post, let’s explore the various technologies available for enterprise...